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Three Cliffs Bay loop | The best walks on the Gower

This delightful four mile clifftop and woodland walk stops by both Pennard castle and Three Cliffs Bay before dropping down onto the Iconic beach and weaving back through luscious Pennard valley. 

In this detailed guide I provide information on how to reach Three Cliffs bay on the Gower Peninsula via Pennard Valley. The guide includes information on where to park and has interactive maps of the route.

Walk Information

  • Type: Loop

  • Distance: 4 miles 

  • Difficulty: Easy

  • Duration: 2-4 hours

  • Car park & start point: Shepherds in Parkmill

  • Wheelchair friendly: no

  • Nearest watering hole: The Gower Inn or Pennard Golf Club

Where to park for Three Cliffs bay ?

Parking is available in a large field opposite Shepherds of Gower for £3 all day. If you didn’t have a car you can catch the 118 bus from Swansea central. In the summer months a burger van and coffee truck operate from the same field.

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The Route 

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From the car park cross the concrete footbridge into the woodland and take a right, following the path alongside the river as it gently rises up into the forest. After a couple of hundred yards the path will fork and you will have two options.

If you wanted to skip visiting Pennard castle and head straight to the beach, carry on through the forest into the valley and follow the winding Pennard pill to the shoreline.

If you want to visit Pennard castle, turn left and head up into the woods. Follow this path as it zig zags up the hill, passing the back gardens of several houses, until you emerge onto Pennard golf course. Carry along the edge of the golf course until you reach Pennard castle.

Once at the castle, take plenty of time to explore the 12th century ruins and enjoy what I would argue is one of the finest view points on the Gower.

From the castle follow the sand dunes which run alongside the edge of the golf course down then back up towards three cliffs viewpoint. The viewpoint is which is marked by a wooden sea shell shaped structure and several benches, from which you will have a classic view of the Iconic Three cliffs.

From the benches you are able to walk a little further to the view point which looks directly over the Three Cliffs.

Where you go from here will be dependant of the state of the tide.

If the tide is high, you will have to retrace your steps back up to the benches before dropping down to the shingle shoreline on the beach to your left.

If it is low tide, drop down onto Pobbles beach, and and walk along the beach which connects to three cliffs bay. You can actually walk through the cliffs itself as there is a large cave situated between the two biggest arches.

To get back to your car pass around the cliffs and head up stream towards the coastguard hut. Here you will be able to cross the river via the steeping stones.

Once across the steeping stones you will find yourself of the shingle spit, to get back to your car simply follow the winding river back up the valley

There’s my favourite eight Walks on the Gower. Let me know what you think, have I missed any sections out? Let me know in the comments below.

In all honesty the entire coastline is beautiful and you wont disappointed no matter what section you walk.

If you did find it helpful, I’d appreciate you giving it a share or giving me a follow on social media, every bit of support goes a long way.

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